Julius maddox misloaded bar
Julius maddox misloaded bar

julius maddox misloaded bar

Any of the remarkable lifts by Prescillia Bavoil and all the unofficial world records that were performed in training, such as Iron Biby‘s 233.5- kilogram (514.7-pound) log press.Anthony Pernice’s 550-kilogram (1,212.5-pound) partial deadlift world record.54-year-old Mark Felix’s Hercules hold world record.Donna Moore‘s Atlas Stone world record of 171 kilograms (377 pounds).Larry Wheels‘ 124.7-kilogram (275-pound) incline dumbbell bench press world record (249.5 kilograms (550 pounds) total).Shi Zhiyong making it so that the Chinese clean & jerk world record is a kilogram more than the official world record (he holds both).Any of the deadlifts by Heather Connor that were over four times her bodyweight, including her American record of 185 kilograms (407.9 pounds).Yury Belkin’s deadlift world record of 445 kilograms (981 pounds) in the 110-kilogram weight class.Tobias Anthofer’s seated deadlift world record of 555 kilograms (1,224.8 pounds).Chris Duffin squatting 454 kilograms (1,001 pounds) for a triple.Brian Carroll’s all-time world record squat of 592.3 kilograms (1,306 pounds), equipped.Adam Klink - who also added 50 kipping pull-ups on that same day.Fergus Crawley - who also ran a marathon on that same day.The athletes who deadlifted or squatted 500 pounds and ran a sub-five-minute mile on the same day:.

julius maddox misloaded bar julius maddox misloaded bar

All of the “Murph” world records that were hit:.2020 WSM runner-up Tom Stoltman‘s 286-kilogram (630-pound) Atlas Stone world record.Any of Julius Maddox‘s monstrous bench presses - specifically his bench press world record of 350 kilograms (770 pounds) and not the misload on his 363-kilogram (800-pound) bench press attempt.Brooke Wells‘ 432-pound deadlift in the CrossFit Total event in the 2020 CrossFit Games Finals.Luke Stoltman’s British log lift record of 221 kilograms (487 pounds).Rob Kearney‘s American log lift record of 215.8 kilograms (475.8 pounds) using a split-jerk technique.Log Lift record - 135 kg (297.7 pounds).Deadlift record - 290 kilograms (639 pounds).Elephant bar deadlift record - 281.7 kilograms (621 pounds).Andrea Thompson’s strongwoman world record lifts:.So, we wanted to shoutout a bunch of other lifts that we think were especially impressive. Whittling down the above list wasn’t easy.

Julius maddox misloaded bar